SCG Digital Innovation Garage Open House visitation
On December 14th, the ARIA research team visited SCG Digital Innovation Garage Open House: The Next Chapter and “WHAT THE HELL WEDO”.
On December 14th, the ARIA research team visited SCG Digital Innovation Garage Open House: The Next Chapter and “WHAT THE HELL WEDO”.
On November 25, 2022. VISTEC and IST have featured in the SALIKA news. The news introduced VISTEC and talked about the visit from Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn for the Commencement Day and the research exhibition from our lab members in 2022. More information on BrainLab on SALIKA News
November 29, 2022: We welcomed visitors from IRPC (Robotics and Innovation team). We presented our frontier research on 7 wonder robotics and showed our research facilities related to the Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Automation (ARIA).
On 15 Nov 2022, H.R.H Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn visited the research exhibition held at the V builiding at Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC). We have presented our research on the Nature Inspired Machine Intelligence from Animals to Robots and EXOBIC (Intelligent EXOskeleton with BIofeedback for AdvanCed Rehabilitation). Our presentation has also features Read more about H.R.H Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn visited our research exhibition.[…]
November 15, 2022: Three ARIA research projects (Freelander, AVIS, MCPIG) are selected among six VISTEC-PTTEP projects to show on “VISTEC & PTTEP research collaboration booklet”. * Full Booklet *
On 4 November 2022, our Bio-inspired robotics demo on Nature Inspired Machine Intelligence from Animals to Robots was featured in the news from Thai News Agency MCOT. For more details please see (news link)
On the 3rd of November 2022, we are delighted that EXOBIC (Intelligent EXOskeleton with BIofeedback for AdvanCed Rehabilitation) was featured on TNN Tech reports. We show a demonstration of our research work. By outlining the three-part composition’s structure: Stay tuned for the presentation this time around in TNN Tech reports.
October 27, 2022: We welcomed visitors from IRPC and Dr. Pailin Chuchottaworn. We presented our frontier research and facilities related to the advanced robotics and intelligence automation.
26 Oct 2022 – The participants from SCB Mission X program 5th generation visited our ARIA research center. On this occasion, we presented our frontier research related to robotics and automation comprising bank customers from the building and materials business.
October 21, 2022: We welcomed a video production team from Mcot news. We presented our Bio-inspired robotics demo in the title of “Nature Inspired Machine Intelligence from Animals to Robots“.