National Defence College Think Tank (VVIP Group) visited BRAIN Lab

August 14, 2020: We have welcomed a group of visitors from National Defence College Think Tank (VVIP Group). They were given a tour of our robotics studios and smart living studios. We demonstrated various ongoing research projects and our research facilities during the tour. Some highlights picture of the visit can be seen here.

Office of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) visits BRAIN lab

July 31 2020: We have welcomed a group of visitors from Office of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBCT) to our lab. They were given a comprehensive tour to our robotics studios , smart living studios and robotics laboratory. We demonstrated various ongoing research projects and our research facilities during the tour. They enjoyed Read more about Office of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) visits BRAIN lab[…]

Command and General Staff College (CGSC) visits BRAIN lab

July 1 2020: We have welcomed a group of visitors from Command and General Staff College (CGSC) to our lab. They were given a tour to robotics and smart living studios and got some explanation of the research projects that we are working on. After the tour, we have a small discussion about the utility Read more about Command and General Staff College (CGSC) visits BRAIN lab[…]

A Dung Beetle Life: How Dung Beetle Roll a Ball?

Researchers at VISTEC collaborating with the Kiel University, University of Southern Denmark, Stockholm University, and Lund University with the support of the Human Frontier Science Program have discovered the rules to explain how dung beetle coordinate their legs to roll a ball. Insect locomotion is a complex process which needs to coordinate many motor units in Read more about A Dung Beetle Life: How Dung Beetle Roll a Ball?[…]

PTTEP visit

Feb 7, 2020: We hosted a visit of the top management of PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP). During the visit, BRAIN lab interfaces and robotics groups demonstrated various ongoing research projects. The visitors thoroughly enjoyed the presented demonstrations. PTTEP supports a number of ongoing research projects in our lab. The visit provided Read more about PTTEP visit[…]

Guest Talks on Services Robot for Elderly Facilities and Chemosensory Navigation Inspired by Cockroach

On 25-26 November, 2019, Mr. Alejandro Pequeno Zurro (research assistant from ENS Lab at the University of Southern Denmark) has invited to give talks at the BRAIN lab. These talks were comprised of The Smooth Project; Design and development of a robot for elderly facilities and Chemosensory navigation and active sensing inspired by the odour Read more about Guest Talks on Services Robot for Elderly Facilities and Chemosensory Navigation Inspired by Cockroach[…]