Working as International Team

Dr. Theerawit is co-advisor of five Master Students (Brain-Computer Interface Team) at Tokyo Institute of Technology (TITECH). They are from China, Hongkong, Indonesia, Brazil and Japan. Thus, his student at VISTEC will have a chance to work among international environments. VISTEC and TITECH BCI team will have research updating in every week.

Collaboration with Center of Excellence in Community Health Informatics, Chiang Mai University

Dr. Theerawit starts Research Collaboration with Center of Excellence (COE) in Community Health Informatics. The founder and first director of COE is Associate Professor Dr. Ekkarat Boonchieng. ​ The COE is funded by Chiang Mai University and has a main mission on spinning out the research related to community health informatics. ​ Our research team are Read more about Collaboration with Center of Excellence in Community Health Informatics, Chiang Mai University[…]


The Bio-inspired Robotics and Neural Engineering (BRAIN) laboratory is part of School of Information Science & Technology (IST) at the VIDYASIRIMEDHI institute. The BRAIN Lab aims to achieve adaptive bio sensor systems and generic neural motor control for advanced human-machine interaction. According to this, our research concentrates on the following themes: Soft and flexible biosensors Read more about Welcome[…]

Data science & Engineering seminar: How data science can help improve business?

On Aug 16-17, 2018, School of Information Science and Technology (IST) at VISTEC hold the special seminar on Data science and & engineering. Our Prof. Dr. Poramate Manoonpong as a keynote speaker demonstrated on how to apply AI and machine learning on robot. The techniques ranged from supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning which Read more about Data science & Engineering seminar: How data science can help improve business?[…]