Information Science and Technology Building: The grand opening day

On Aug 22nd, 2018, Her loyal subject is most grateful for Her Majesty’s boundless and gracious kindness that Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn presided over the opening ceremony of our IST building.   In this H.R.H. presented, our professors, students, and staffs from BRAIN lab had a chance to demonstrate Bio-inspired Robotics together with Read more about Information Science and Technology Building: The grand opening day[…]

Bio-inspired Robots: Flying Like a Fly

Have you ever had a dream to have a tiny-sized robot that can fly like a fly? The guy below not only has, but make the dream come true. Dr. Pakpong Chirarattananon, who currently holds the position of assistant professor at Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, lectured and illustrated Read more about Bio-inspired Robots: Flying Like a Fly[…]

Data science & Engineering seminar 2nd: Business, Finance, and Enterprises

Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) together with School of Information Science and Technology (IST) at Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC) arranged a special workshop for executive members at SCB Academy, 18th Floor, SCB Park Plaza on March 27th, 2018. Two main focus areas of this seminar are Data Analytics for Making Better Decisions in Read more about Data science & Engineering seminar 2nd: Business, Finance, and Enterprises[…]

Internet of Bio-NanoThings

Dr. Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, who is one the leading experts in Electronic and Communication area, gave a special lecture on “Molecular Communication and the Future Perspectives on the Internet of Bio-Nano Things”. This topic broadened us into wireless communication insides human body with nano molecules.

Space career and Future space industry

Dr. Peerawan Wiwattananon is currently working as a systems engineer and a deputy project manager at RUAG Space, Switzerland, where she is leading the technical team to develop mechanisms for spacecrafts and satellites as well as designing separation system for spacecraft launcher. Dr. Peerawan illustrated the audience about the space industry and various related positions. Her Read more about Space career and Future space industry[…]

Collaboration on Novel Indoor Localization Technology towards Novel Elder Monitoring System

Dr. Theerawit starts collaboration on Frontier Research in Indoor Wireless Communication with Associate Professor Dr. Lunchakorn Wuttisittikulkij with his PhD student (Electrical Engineering, Chulalongkorn University) Dr. Sasitharan Balasubramaniam (Tampere University of Technology, Finland and Telecommunications Software and Systems Group, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland) and Dr. Michael Barros (Telecommunication Software and Systems Group, Waterford Institute of Read more about Collaboration on Novel Indoor Localization Technology towards Novel Elder Monitoring System[…]

Collaboration on Futuristic Research with Freak Lab.

Dr. Theerawit starts collaboration on futuristic research with Freak Lab. Futuristic Research in Enigmatic + Aesthetics Knowledge (Freak) Lab is an anti-disciplinary research group that focus on exploring futures by using design, prototype, and research as tools to reimagine reality. The community of Freak fuses open-minded peoples from various disciplines, ages, and expertise to work Read more about Collaboration on Futuristic Research with Freak Lab.[…]