Our article is selected for Advanced Intelligent Systems Editors’ Choice series.

Advanced Intelligent Systems was launched in 2019 and rapidly became a top journal for the publication of interdisciplinary intelligent systems related research. The Editors’ Choice articles were handpicked by the editorial team of Advanced Intelligent Systems to showcase the very best that the journal has to offer. The articles represent the key topics that the Read more about Our article is selected for Advanced Intelligent Systems Editors’ Choice series.[…]

A visitor group from Department of Control System and Instrumentation Engineering(INC) KMUTT visited BRAIN lab

January 28, 2022:  We welcomed a group of visitors from the Department of Control System and Instrumentation Engineering(INC) KMUTT, Dr.Benjamas Panomruttanarug, Mr. Phichitphon Chotikunnan, and their students. They were given a lecture in the field of Iterative learning control and Fuzzy logic control to us, And in the afternoon they had a tour of our Read more about A visitor group from Department of Control System and Instrumentation Engineering(INC) KMUTT visited BRAIN lab[…]

Our work has been chosen for the front page of Advanced Intelligent Systems.

The achievement is done by our international research team from Syddansk Universitet – University of Southern Denmark Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel London South Bank University Islamic Azad University Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC) Link to Advanced Intelligent Systems blog Link to the paper

Our work is featured in “Video Friday: Welcome to 2022” robotics news on IEEE Spectrum

IEEE Spectrum is a leading blog covering a variety of technology topics, news, and breakthroughs. On IEEE Spectrum’s robotics news, our recent work “Continuous Online Adaptation of Bioinspired Adaptive Neuroendocrine Control for Autonomous Walking Robots” was featured in the “Video Friday: Welcome to 2022” topic. In this work, we developed advanced neural control with proactive Read more about Our work is featured in “Video Friday: Welcome to 2022” robotics news on IEEE Spectrum[…]

A visitor group from the Faculty of Law at Thammasat University visited IST

A visiting group from the Faculty of Law at Thammasat University visited IST. December 7, 2021: We have welcomed a group from the Faculty of Law at Thammasat University. They visited the Robotics Studio and the Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Automation (ARIA) laboratory. We presented our various projects and our research facilities during the tour. Read more about A visitor group from the Faculty of Law at Thammasat University visited IST[…]

Our work “Fin Ray Crossbeam Angles for Efficient Foot Design for Energy-Efficient Robot Locomotion” received media coverage by IEEE Spectrum

IEEE Spectrum IEEE Spectrum is a leading blog covering a variety of technology topics, news, and breakthroughs. Our recently published work on developing “Fin Ray for Efficient Robot Foot and Gripper Design” received coverage by the IEEE Spectrum under the “Video Friday section. Our work proposed an insect-inspired robot foot or gripper design for efficient Read more about Our work “Fin Ray Crossbeam Angles for Efficient Foot Design for Energy-Efficient Robot Locomotion” received media coverage by IEEE Spectrum[…]

A visit from students and staffs of Aviation Service Industry program, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (RMUTT)

2 December 2021: Today, students and staff from the Bachelor’s of Art Program in Aviation Service Industry, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (RMUTT) paid a visit to the School of Information Science and Technology. They gained insights into the inspirations and real world applications of the robots in the Robotics Studio Read more about A visit from students and staffs of Aviation Service Industry program, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (RMUTT)[…]

Thailand Research Expo 2021 – Exhibition by students and researchers

22 – 26 November 2021: Our students and researchers, Dr Nat Dilokthanakul, Mr Tanyatep Tothong and Miss Nopparada Mingchinda, presented the works of the Robotics Lab at the 2021 Thailand Research Expo held at the Centara Convention Centre in Bangkok. In this event, the projects presented included : “Advanced Collaborative Robots for the Factory of Read more about Thailand Research Expo 2021 – Exhibition by students and researchers[…]