Rayong, 28th February 2019 – The Prime Minister, Gen. Prayut Chan-o-cha and a group of government officials , visited VISTEC and KVIS and follow up Eastern Economic Corridor of Innovation (EECi) project. In this occasion, Mr. Chansin Treenuchagron, CEO of PTT Public Company Limited, presented background and overview current situation of this innovative area. Later on, Prof. Dr. Jumras Limtakul, president of VISTEC, and Dr. Rachain Kosanlavit, principal of KVIS, also briefed on performance and strategic planning focusing on science and innovation of these two leading entities respectively.
The Prime Minister also visited our School of Information Science and Technology (IST) supported by Siam Commercial Bank (SCB). Our Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sarana Nutanong, acting dean, led the tour and presentation together with Dr. Theerawit Wilaiprasitporn, who is our expert on Brain Computer Interface (BCI) on our Robotics studio, BRAIN lab. PM Gen. Prayut was quite excited on many of our projects. The industrial inspection robot where he shared some idea on its application such as surveillance robot application and also the rehabilitation robot where we have collaboration under AdVanced Human-MachIne InteractionS Technology for ImpRoving QuAlity of Life and Health (VISRA) project between VISTEC and Robotics AI and Intelligent Solution (RAII) project, PTT. Interestingly, he also commented and shared its application of the assistive powered exoskeleton in military service. Directly after, PM and Dr. Theerawit also exchanged some discussion on current BCI technology.